Careers guidance

Careers, education, information, advice and guidance programmes contribute to prepare students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life. They help young people (students) make decisions and manage transitions as learners and workers.

Monkton Wood Academy is committed to providing a planned programme of careers education for all students and information, advice and guidance in partnership with a number of independent bodies. We endeavour to follow the National Framework for CEIAG 11-19 in England and other relevant guidance from the DfES, QCA and Ofsted.

The underlying principles of CEIAG within the school are to promote:

  • Self-awareness – strengths / weaknesses / values / health.
  • Self-confidence – self-esteem / inter-personal skills.
  • Equal opportunities – awareness / challenge of stereotypes.
  • Work with parents / carers – information evening.
  • Transition skills – managing change / time management / study skills / action planning.


The careers programme is designed to meet the needs of students. It is differentiated and personalised to ensure progression through activities that are appropriate to students’ stages of career planning and development. Students are entitled to guidance that is person-centred, impartial and confidential. It is integrated into the students’ experience of the whole curriculum and is based on a partnership with students and their parents or carers. The CEIAG programme promotes equal opportunities, inclusion and anti-racism.

Careers and Enterprise Programme at Monkton Wood Academy

Careers education and guidance at Monkton Wood Academy is given in a variety of ways.

  • The careers resource library is available in the library.
  • Specialist careers guidance is provided by the independent advisor Jackie Martin.
  • Relevant literature is disseminated to students e.g. Next Step South West literature, National Citizenship Service, CSW. Links are available on the school website.
  • All staff contribute through their roles as tutors and subject teachers.
  • Careers education is delivered as part of the tutorial programme and also as part of the collapsed timetable PSHE days, and the Careers Enrichment Days in Year 10.

The careers programme is planned, monitored and evaluated by the Careers Coordinator in consultation with the Careers Advisor and the Senior Management link.

Contact Us

Monkton Wood Academy
School Road
Monkton, Heathfield
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Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590