Learning Platforms

Dear Families,

In our continued efforts to enhance the learning experience at Monkton Wood Academy we have been reviewing our approach to independent learning and how homework offers to improve it. We are writing to inform you of how you can best support your child at home with their learning and value your support.

Reading as a priority

Please encourage your children to read every evening for at least 10 minutes. Encourage your child to visit our library to borrow books and for support in choosing the best one. We expect students to bring a reading book with them every day, this can be from home or the library.

Online platforms for learning

The quickest way to access the learning platforms available is to use the student navigator page which can be found here: https://navigator.clf.uk/index.html?site=MWA


Class charts

All years – All subjects
Classcharts remains our main source of communication home to you including information on behaviour, announcements, homework and notifications of work on different platforms.

Using pupil code and date of birth.

If this is not known, please ask your child’s tutor. Click me

Microsoft email and Teams

All years – All subjects
All students have a school email address. This allows them to access other learning platforms and they can email their teachers directly for support.

Teachers may also activate a child’s Team. This provides an online learning space where many resources can be stored. This is particularly useful for coursework subjects.

Student email:

[email protected]

Student password: Please ask your tutor to reset if you have forgotten.

Click me

Sparx Maths
All years – Maths only
Weekly homework that is tailored to the attainment level of your child. It contains videos on every topic in the curriculum. It allows the teacher to see areas of weakness of students to be covered in class.

Once weekly homework has been completed you can move on to the XP Boost which will give you more deliberate practice.
School is still named as ‘Heathfield community school’ until September 24.

After logging into your school email :

First time use ‘new Sparx user?’ or use the forgotten details button.

Click me


Years 10-11

English and Science
Tassomai is an online quizzing platform tailored towards our English and Science specifications.

Tassomai will repeat questions that students answer incorrectly the first time, so it is personalised for every pupil. It will also provide you with a map of your learning and areas for revision.

These platforms can all be accessed via a Microsoft button after having logged into your school email account.

Tassomai – Click me

Seneca- Click me

Educake- Click me

Seneca Learning

All years – All subjects

Seneca will show content and then quiz you on it immediately.



All students will have a log in which their teacher can give them. This will consist of their first name, the first letter of their surname, followed by 4 numbers. If students wish to reset their password, they must see their class teacher.


Please ask your child to contact their tutor in the first instance if they do not have their login.

Subject teachers and curriculum leaders can help with any subject specific questions such as any issues that may arise with classes or content. Thank you for your continued support of our school’s commitment to providing the best possible education for your child


Kind regards

Becky Smith

Contact Us

Monkton Wood Academy
School Road
Monkton, Heathfield
Contact Us
Monkton Wood Academy is proud to be part of the Cabot Learning Federation. 
Registered Company: Cabot Learning Federation
Company No: 06207590