15 July 2024
Dear parents and carers,
As we come towards the end of term, I would like to confirm arrangements for the final days of this term and the very beginning of the next.
In this letter:
Last day of term
Summer holiday school opening
Start of term arrangements
Last days of term
Our last day of this academic year is Tuesday 23 July 2024. On this day we will open as usual at 8:45am, with registration beginning at 9:00am. We will have one lengthened break time in the middle of the morning, when children will be able to get hot food and snacks from our canteen. After break we have the announcement of the winners of our House Cup, and their celebration event. We will end the day with all students in tutor group activities and celebrations. Students will leave at 1:30pm, with the buses departing at around 1:45pm. The school reception will remain open until 3:30pm.
Summer holiday school opening
The school site will be open every day during the school holiday, as we have considerable site works taking place. We ask parents not to come to the school site without an appointment, as access to buildings may be affected by the works. If you need to contact us, please email the main school office and be aware that response times will be considerably slower whilst staff are on leave.
Start of term arrangements
Term starts at MWA on Monday 02 September, with two staff Inset training days. The first day back for Years 7, 11 and 12 is Wednesday 04 September. All year groups will then return on Thursday 05 September. On both days, the gates will open at 8:45am, and the school buses will be running as usual. Please make sure your child has all their equipment, including PE kit, for their first day back, as we start teaching the timetable from day 1.
We hope you have a relaxing summer break, and look forward to welcoming back your children in September.
Yours faithfully,
Mrs H. Jones