Year 11 Letter

Dear Parents/Carers

I would like to start by letting you know that we have been extremely impressed with the commitment and attitude from our Year 11s during this exam season and we have had glowing reports from our invigilation team. The end of the exams is approaching quickly and I have a few key messages to share.

Master Class sessions

We have arranged for some Master class sessions to take place during the school day by modifying our current timetable. At times when exams have finished for subjects we have organised some sessions led by subject specialist teachers to help support and prepare our students for the exams ahead. The timetable will be sent out and a copy has been given to our Year 11s. Where there is no master class, normal timetabled lessons will continue with their usual teacher. We expect all Year 11s to attend every day.

Changes to school days next week

On Wednesday 12th June and Thursday 13th June, we have organised Master Class sessions for the morning during periods 1 and 2. During period 3 on both days, our timetabled lessons are ‘Option’ subjects. If you have a lesson where all exams have finished, then you will be allowed to leave school at 11.50am. If your lesson during period 3 has an exam ahead, we will expect you in that lesson and after the lesson you will be allowed to leave at 12.50pm. If any student wishes to stay in school and revise until the end of the day, please let me know by emailing [email protected] and we will arrange a suitable provision. All students in receipt of free school meals will be able to collect one before they leave school.

On Friday 14th June all of Year 11 have a Physics exam starting at 1.30pm, when the exam finishes we will be handing out Leaver’s hoodies and then allowing students to leave school site. Students sitting the Combined Science exam will be finished anytime from 2.45pm, Triple Science students will finish from 3.15pm. Students staying until 3.30pm to use the buses will be accompanied by school staff.

Friday 14th June will be our last full day for Year 11. Students with remaining exams should attend school for their exams. We have organised some Master Class sessions the following week for Music, Food, DT and Further Maths and these will be communicated separately to those students.

Leavers assembly

Our Year 11 leaver’s celebration assembly will be held in the small hall on the 18th June from 11:50 until 12:50. This is always a lovely celebration for our community. We ask students to please come in their school uniform, as there will be an opportunity after the assembly for them to complete shirt signing if they wish. For any student who is

sitting the Polish writing exam in the afternoon, we request that they bring a separate shirt for signing, as they will not be allowed to sit the exam with any writing on their shirts.


As previously communicated Prom is being held at Oake Manor on the 20th June from 6:30pm. Tickets are on sale from the main school reception at break and lunchtime and should be purchased no later than 10th June. We look forward to seeing the students there for their final send off.

Student belongings

We advise students that have any belongings on school site to collect them before their final exam and ensure they have everything they need. This includes any Year 11s who have medication stored in the medical room. Please can I also ask that any books are returned to the library.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to say how much of a pleasure it has been to work with your children and yourselves for the last 2 years, I wish them every success for their future.

Best wishes,

Peter Cammish

Year 11 Raising Standards Leader

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School Road
Monkton, Heathfield
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